L'avenir de L'Afrique

L'avenir de L'Afrique
Voici ces petites filles qui seront la releve d'une Afrique meilleure

dimanche 29 janvier 2017

Stop violence against women in Togo

1. Women are busy. They care for children, work in the farms, carry water and firewood, cook, sweep, do laundry.
2. Women sow the seeds. They are responsible of planting in the farm. They are responsible for a large portion of harvest. Women do all this while still preparing the meals, taking care of children, and doing their regular house chores
3. Women take their children to hospital when they get sick.
4. Women are in charge of carrying and selling the family goods by walking on several distances to
 the market
5. Girls take over their mothers' chores if their mothers do not have time to do them. The house chores are not allocated for men unless all the women are left from home.
6. Girls work in the morning before they go to school. They are in charge of preparing meals and taking care of young siblings.
7. Girls have less time of activities outside of home than boys. There is also a cultural norm that restricts girls from being away from home as often as boys.
8. Women and girls are not aware of their rights
9.Women are not sufficiently respected and their right are not considered by the authorities.
10. When women and girls are told that they are not as smart, or capable, or whatever, as men and boys, it becomes as self fulfilling proficiency. The more everyone hears it, the more everyone believe it.

mercredi 6 avril 2016

Democracy in Africa


What is democracy?
Democracy is a term given to political systems that require a popular vote, or representative election, to take place in order to choose officials and leaders of a country. This means that the leaders are chosen by the people.

Many of the world’s most successful countries operate with a democratic system, including the United State of America.  In that way, Franklin D.Roosvelt said that ‘’Let us never forget that government is ourselves and not alien power over us. The ultimate rulers of our democracy are not a president and senators and congressmen and government officials, but the voters of this country’’. The origin of the word ‘’democracy ‘’ comes from the Greek word meaning ‘’ popular government’’.

Nowadays, people critic the place of democracy in Africa.
For the partisans, democracy is considered to be best form of government and most of the countries in the world have adopted it. However detractor thinks that democracy is a misuse of Time and Public Funds. Democracy can also lead to waste of public resources.
        I. Advantages of Democracy 

Democracy has many advantages and many arguments have given in favor of it in Africa, chief merit of democracy lies in that its safeguards its interests of  people.
1.   Real power lies in the hands of the people who exercise it by the representatives elected by them and who are responsible to them.
 It is said that social, economic and political interests of the individuals are served better under this system.

2.     Democracy is also based on the principle of equality.
All members of the state are equal in the eyes of law. All enjoy equal social, political and economic rights and state cannot discriminate among citizens on the basic of caste, religion, sex or propriety. All have equal right to choose their government.

3.     Democracy is known for its stability, firmness and efficiency. These days tenure of the elected representatives is fixed. They form stability government because it is based on public support. The administration is conducted with a sense of responsibility. In representative democracy, people’s representatives discuss matters more thoroughly and take reasonable decision. Under monarchy the Monarch takes decision as he pleases. Under dictatorship, the dictator do not involve people at all in decision making, people have no right to criticize the decisions of the dictator even when they are bad against people’s welfare.

4.     Another argument given in favor of democracy is that is it saves as a training school for Africa citizens. Africans get impetus to take part in the affairs of the state. At the time of elections political parties propose their policy and program in support of their candidates. All means of propaganda public meeting, posters, radio, television and speeches by important leaders of the parties are used to win public favor. It creates political consciousness among the people. Since democracy is based on public will, there is no chance of public revolt. Representatives elected by the people conduct the affairs of the state with public support. If they don’t work efficiently or don’t come up to the expectations of their masters. It is also based on public will. It conducts state business with public support. Democracy is therefore, more stable than other form of government, it helps in making people good citizens upon creates proper environment for the development of personality and cultivating good habits. D.Tacquville is of opinion that ‘’Democracy is the first school of good citizenship. Citizens learn their right and duties from birth till death it’’.Indeed, democracy administration is based on public will, public opinion lends it strength. It is not based on fear of authority. Gettel is of opinion that democracy stands on consensus, not on power; it admits the existence of state for individual, not individual for the state.

5.     In a democracy, power is transferred from one party to another by means of elections. The choice of the citizens of a nation determines its ruling authority. The government runs on people’s support.

However, we have demerits of democracy following arguments have been given against democracy.

II.               Disadvantages of Democracy
More emphasis is made on quantity than quality: it is not based upon the quality but on quantity. Majority people hold the reigns of government. In efficient and corrupt persons get themselves elected. They have neither intelligence, nor vision, nor strength of character to steer through the ship of state to its destination.
1.     Democracies are run by incompetent persons.
It is government by amateurs. In it, every citizen is allowed to take part, whereas everybody is not fit for it. Loke calls it the act of running administration by the ignorant. He says that history records the fact that a few are intelligent. Universal adult franchise grants right to vote to everybody. Thus, ‘’a few manipulators who can collect votes with the greatest success get democracy power’’. The result is that democracy run by the ignorant and incompetent becomes totally unfit for intellectual progress and search for scientific truths.
2.     The concept of equality is enshrined in democracy. It is against the law of nature. Nature has not endowed every individual with intelligence wisdom. Men’s talents differ. Some are courageous,  other are cowards. Critics are of opinion that ‘’it is against the law of nature to grant equal status to everybody.’’ Then in democracy, voters do not interest in election because they don’t cast their vote in a spirit of duty as democracy require them to do. Contestants of election persuade them. Even then, it is generally found that run out come to 50 to 60 percent only. This forfeits the very tall claim of holding elections.
3.     In democracy system, the only aim of the candidates is to win election. They often employ under-hand practices, foul means to get elected. Character assassination is openly practiced; unethical ways are generally adopted in Africa. Muscle power and money power for some politician Africans.Nowadays in Africa, democracy is a government of rich. Modern democracy is, in fact, capitalists. Electioneering is carried out with money. The Africans rich candidate purchase votes. Might of economic power rules over the whole process. The net result is that we get plutocracy under the grab of democracy-democracy in name and from, plutocracy in reality. In Africa election champagne, the rich candidate holds the media and uses it for their own benefit. Big business houses influence dailies for creating public opinion to their favor.

4.     For more Africans, democracy is huge waste of time in the formulation of laws. A lot of money is spent during the elections. It provoked also no stable government when no party gets absolute majority, coalition government are formed like in Ivory Coast. The coalition of political parties with a view of sharing power is only a marriage of convenience. Whenever there accurse clash of interest, the coalition is lost and government crumbles down. Thus, stable government under democracy generally doesn’t exist.

5.     Democracy is criticized in Africa because it establishes dictatorship of majority. The majority is required to safeguard the interests of minority but in actual practice it does not. It is also bad influence of political parties. Political parties are the basis of democracy. A political party aims at capturing power. The politicians Africans try to win election by hook or by crook. Practicing the immoral methods, empty ideals, inciting hatred, spreading caste feelings, communalism has become a common practice. It lowers the national character.
6.     Let’s us not forget that in democracy nation, it is the citizens who hold the right to elect their representatives and their governing authorities. According to a common observation, not all the citizens are fully aware of the political scenario in their country or the issues their nation faces. This may result in people making the wrong choices during election. Sadly, in Africa, people do not exercise their right to vote. Many are reluctant to vote or less aware about the impact their vote can have. They do not consider it as their privilege, and take the process of voting less seriously.
7.     In a democracy system, it takes longer to take decisions and implementation them. In a monarchy, it’s one person who can take decisions and ensure their quick implementation. In a democracy system, the implementation requires majority voting, relatively less prompt in taking actions. As the government is subject to change after every election term, the authorities may work on short term goals. As they have to face an election after their competition of each term, they may lose focus on working for the people and rather focus on winning elections.
8.     Another disadvantage of democracy in Africa is that the mobs can influence people. Citizens may vote in favor of a party under the influence of majority. Compelled or influenced by opinions of those around, a person may not use his own judgment when voting. Election campaigns in Africa, may involve immoral practices to lure the masses. The candidates use muscle power to draw majority votes. They may tarnish the reputation of their opponent. Money and muscle power may be used to influence the public against the opposing party. Under hand practice may be employed to win election.

A disadvantage of direct democracy for Africans is that not all citizens are knowledgeable enough to take the right decision regarding the legislation. Moreover, they may not have time/ also, the majority may influence the minority. This may breed inefficiency in governing. However in country like Africa where people do not vote or where the elections are influenced by riches or religion, the real meaning of democracy is lost.

After all, every form of government in Africa has some shortfalls. People have different views about different political systems. The advantages and disadvantages of many form of government have to be weighted carefully before arriving at any conclusion. Then it is, indeed, true that democracy for Africans means discussion, opposition and thus it slows down movement. But that is a blessing rather than a curse. It is desirable that all measures be examined thoroughly before they are put into practice.

dimanche 17 août 2014

Le gourvenement Togolais s'emploie a cote des femmes pour les inciter au dynamisme.

A l’occasion de la Journée de la Femme africaine, qui sera célébrée jeudi, la ministre de l’Action sociale, de la Promotion de la femme et de l’Alphabétisation, Dédé Ekoué, a adressé un message d’espoir aux femmes togolaises, elle a salué leur courage et leur implication au quotidien en faveur du développement.
Chaque année, une thématique est choisie. En 2014, il s’agit du rôle des Femmes et dans l’éducation, les sciences et les technologies.
L’occasion de rendre hommage à deux personnalités togolaises du monde scientifique le Professeur Glitho,  Doyen honoraire de la Faculté des sciences, récipiendaire du Prix africain scientifique Nkrumah 2013 et le  Professeur Kissem Tchangaï-Walla, Commandeur des Palmes Académiques
Mais ce thème est aussi pour la ministre l’occasion de rappeler tout ce qui a déjà été fait dans le domaine de l’éducation : création de lycées scientifiques, dont les filles représentent 30% des effectifs,  bourses accordées aux élèves les plus méritantes dans les filières scientifiques, multiplication des centres de formation, nomination de femmes à des postes de responsabilité dans des domaines scientifiques, etc…
‘Les sciences et les technologies sont importantes pour permettre le progrès économique et social auquel aspirent tous les togolais. Les compétences scientifiques et technologies sont indispensables pour promouvoir des avancées dans plusieurs domaines clés comme les infrastructures, l’énergie, la santé, l’éducation, l’agriculture, les industries, les services, les télécommunications, la communication, et le commerce’, souligne Dédé Ekoué dans son message  http://www.republicoftogo.com/Toutes-les-rubriques/Education/Liberer-le-potentiel-des-femmes

dimanche 9 mars 2014

International Women Day

Let's be inspired by Malala's experience and commitment to give the lift to gir'ls education in the world. Wash this inspirational video

mercredi 18 décembre 2013

Gender gap in west Africa

Education is a human right and a fulfilling experience that helps girls and boys reach their full potential in society. Yet millions of children in Africa are still out of school, a majority of them being girls. Education for All (EFA) and the education targets of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were put in place specifically to address concerns linked to education and development.
Despite this, gender inequalities in education persist in Sub-Saharan Africa especially in Togo to the detriment of girls. This is evidenced by disparities in access to school as well as in enrolment, retention, completion, and performance rates. These disparities point to structural and systemic gender inequality which is partly reflected in education.
The EFA Global Monitoring Report 2009 found that in many countries, disparities based on wealth, location, gender, immigration or minority status, or disability, poverty deny millions of children a good quality education.
Sub-Saharan Africa accounts for 47 percent of out-of-school children worldwide, with 54 percent of those children being girls. In 2006, 35 million children were not enrolled in school. This is almost one third of the school-age population.
In 2008, in primary schools specifically, Sub-Saharan Africa had yet to achieve gender parity. Gender disparities were largest in rural areas and among poor households. In secondary school, only 30 percent of boys and 25 percent of girls were enrolled. Redressing this situation demands serious investment in getting more children, both boys and girls, to secondary school and achieving gender parity.
Female students constitute less than two-fifths of the population in tertiary education in Sub-Saharan Africa, with only 38 percent of females having enrolled in tertiary education in 2005.
Furthermore, female students tend to be concentrated in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, with a weaker presence in scientific and technological subjects. In 2005, female students constituted a mere 40 percent of total enrolment in Sub-Saharan Africa in technical and vocational education.
While much progress has been made over the past 10 years in rectifying gender imbalances in education and development in sub-Saharan Africa, socio-cultural, economic and political challenges nevertheless still constitute barriers to girls’ education in the region. www.pathwaystogo.org seeks to address this through its advocacy and intervention work that aims to create conditions for the elimination of gender disparities and to promote girls’ education and empowerment in Togo and further in Africa.
                              Only two girls in the whole class while boys can not be nombered

mardi 17 décembre 2013



The sweetness of a beautiful evening with family 
Illuminated by sparkling candles 
We enriched the heart memories miles 
Let us honor those who we miss so much 
It's nice to meet all together 
Around our memories still hot

lundi 23 septembre 2013

Presentation of my blog space

Hello readers!

 Here is the space of thoughts to face women challenges in poor countries context. I invit you to share your views, comments to empower women.